west maui workforce housing survey
The West Maui Workforce Housing Survey was a grassroots, community-driven survey designed to determine the need for housing in West Maui from “the bottom up” as opposed to “top down”. Input was gathered from parents, neighbors, small business owners, visitor industry staff, and more to help us inform decision makers of what the resident workforce truly needs.
Did You Know?
- One of the key constraints to economic development in multiple sectors is insufficient Affordable Housing. (Source: Maui County CEDS Report)
- A single adult with no children needs to earn $17.08 per hour to meet basic needs and be economically sufficient. A two-adult couple with one preschooler and once school-age child needs to earn a combined wage of $37.22. (Source: 12/2017 DBEDT Self-Sufficiency Income Standard Report)
- Between 2008 and 2015, 52% of Maui homes were purchased by non-residents. In Lahaina, 1 in 3 is used as a Vacation Rental Unit (VRU). (Source: Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice)
View the summary of the final results and brief analysis.
Attention West Side Employers
Affordable housing is a critical issue for many employees and it is an issue upon which the continued quality of Maui’s service industry depends. A primary contributor to Maui’s housing problem is that the supply of affordable housing fails to keep pace with demand. Maui Economic Development Board’s (MEDB) report for the County, State, and Federal government — the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) — concluded that for several sectors of our economy, affordable housing is a limiting and challenging issue.
workforce housing resources
Download our Fact Sheet and learn more about Maui County’s affordable housing challenges by visiting these resources:
County of Maui General Plan 2030
DBEDT Self-Sufficiency Income Standard Report
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
about the survey
This community survey was presented by the Maui Economic Development Board, Inc. (MEDB), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to leading and inspiring innovation in business, education, and our community. We envision lives fulfilled in a vibrant economy and we serve as a convener of community voices. Participation in this survey was voluntary and anonymous. Questions can be sent to WMSurvey@medb.org.
The quantitative results of this survey were presented as a tool for Maui’s community and county leaders to aid discussions and decisions on the issue of workforce housing. Mahalo for your kokua.